Chiropractic Care for Seniors

At the Applecross Chiropractic Centre many of our patients are 60 years old and above, and they enjoy the health benefits of chiropractic care. Whether it be for the relieving of arthritic pain, improvements in their golf swing or the ability to keep up with the grandkids, seniors appreciate the difference chiropractic care makes to their daily lives.


Chiropractic Safety for Seniors

There is no need for anyone to suffer pain and discomfort in silence.
The techniques and procedures used in our clinic are gentle and can be effective for a variety of different conditions for everyone of all ages.

Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Seniors

Restoring better spinal function may help improve lifestyle areas associated with seniors including mobility, vitality, endurance, and appetite. Many patients report improvements with arthritic symptoms and other chronic ailments often associated with the aging process. The adjusting techniques are modified in accordance with your age and other factors to allow for maximum comfort and results.

Relief from Pain

Traditional medicine for pain relief will often mask the symptoms and may result in unexpected side effects. Chiropractors are specifically trained to provide drug-free pain relief for patients. Chiropractic care is, therefore, a safe and effective health treatment for relieving patients of their aches and pains. As an example, many biomechanical spinal disorders are related to misalignment of the spine which has a radiating pain effect on the surrounding soft tissues. The treatment for this is chiropractic adjustments.

Improved Coordination and Balance

Apart from other effects, receptors in the cervical posterior joints provide signals to the brain which help the patient determine the position of the head in relation to the rest of the body. With the aging process, mild defects in the joints of seniors can affect the signals and result in a loss in the sense of body awareness. As the situation deteriorates, so the patient becomes more reliant upon vision to locate the position of the limbs. This, in turn, results in the patient losing balance and coordination. Chiropractic care has been shown to improve the function in many cases by adjusting the misaligned joints and improving the communication to the brain such that balance and coordination are improved.

Improved Range of Movement

Many of the top professional sports teams retain chiropractors on staff to improve the range of motion of their athletes. For the same reason, seniors can benefit from chiropractic care. Even minor chiropractic adjustments can lead to an improvement in a patient’s ability to walk, turn, bend over and even run after the grand kids. The more active a person is, the better their overall health, the fewer the chronic conditions and the less the need for nursing home care.

Reduced Joint Degeneration

All working parts tend to wear out eventually. The purpose of chiropractic adjustments is to correct misalignments so that joints are normalised and the wear and tear is minimised over time. These adjustments are particularly important to reduce the effect of arthritis and joint degeneration.

Drug-free Treatment

A distinct benefit of chiropractic care for seniors is the fact that the chiropractic approach is drug-free. This can be particularly important for older patients who are taking other medication and made be sensitive to medicines or more susceptible to their side effects.

Contact Applecross Chiropractic
to Get Started

If you’re a senior contemplating chiropractic care for the reduction of pain, or if you’re interested in preventative approaches to motion, balance, coordination or pain issues, please call the Applecross Chiropractic Centre to arrange an appointment.